Friday, March 2, 2012

Let the appointments begin!

Starting February 1st they have begun monitoring our sweet baby extremely close. Each week I have 1 prenatal appointment, 1 ultrasound, & 2-3 non-stress tests to makes sure everything is going good with both me & baby.

My first non-stress test was pretty exciting. The nurse hoked me up to the monitor & said this test usually takes about 45-60 minutes. The max being 90 minutes & the minimum being 20 minutes. She said they look for different things in my baby's heart rate such as a normal resting heart rate & at least 2 accelerations for 10 seconds or more. So she set me all up & said she would be back to check on me. She came back about 10-15 minutes later, looked at the print out & said "well your baby has already passed the test & as soon as your minimum 20 minutes is up we will let you go." Then a little bit later as she is unhooking me she said, do you know how many Moms would die to be out of here in 20 minutes, you have a very well behaved baby!" :) That was pretty exciting to hear!

Now up to this point every single non-stress test has been pretty much the same thing, the nurses just shocked that I get to leave as quickly as I do. One of the nurses that I get often once said "I have a really hard time believing this baby has a heart condition, he passes every test with flying colors!" That made me so happy to hear that! He is so active & surpassing everything they had expected with these non-stress tests.

Then for the ultrasounds...Every ultra sound that we have had has come back amazing! Especially with his growth! They told us originally that most babies with heart conditions, especially his type of heat condition don't get much bigger than 4-5 lbs at full term. Well our little baby boy has been in the 60-70th percentile for over a month now, always measuring 1-2 weeks bigger than my due date. As of our last measurement appointment on February 21st he was measuring 1 week & 2 days bigger than what is supposed to be & weighing almost 6 1/2 lbs. :) :) :) Our girls at full term with no health conditions were barely over that.

I just know that this sweet little baby boy is our miracle baby & will continue to prove all the Doctors & tests wrong for always! He is going against everything they have ever said he would be & he's not even here yet! It's pretty exciting to think what else he is going to do! :)

Soon too!!! My induce date is set for March 7th....wish us luck! :)

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