Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh HoW We LoVe~LoVe~LoVe ThIs TiMe Of YeAr!!!

So...before I get started I just have to say, I am SO sad because my memory card that has all my pics from basically after Halloween to right before Christmas wont work?!?!? Therefore I cannot pull any photos off of it, including lots of cute pics of my kiddos, Thanksgiving, & our recent trip to Montana right before Christmas:( I am going CRAZY!!! Anyways, as soon as I figure it out I will just post them a little late...

We had the best Christmas EVER! (Of coarse I say this every year) But this has been the first year for Braylee to be literally doing the Christmas countdown, understanding all about Santa Claus & being so excited cause she really gets what is soon to come. So it was so fun to watch her everyday as it got closer & closer!
So, on Christmas Eve we all just hung out at home did the normal stuff like baking cookies, playing games, opening christmas jamies, watching a christmas movie, ect. & then by the time it was time for bed (around midnight) I thought Bray was going to have a heart-attack with all her excitement, with the boys egging it on of coarse, telling her all about how Santa comes & she has to be asleep or he wont fill her stocking :) It was so cute!
So then in the morning, we got lucky the kids slept in till 9 WAHOO!!! Then they litterally raced to the stockings & we had a hay day with stockings & gifts for awhile then Uncle TJ came over & hung out for a while & brought the kids gifts & Jason came in with suprise bags for me & the kids (he did his own little shopping on christams eve...SO SWEET!!) the kids lLOVED IT!!! Then I made a big breakfast for us all (country fried steak & eggs of coarse Jay fave!!) then we played games & hung out for a while & then the boys went to their moms & we headed to my Mom's for an early dinner, gift exchanges & our family tradition "Rice-kispie Trees" Then around 9ish we picked up the boys & went back home to hang out some more (until about midnight again:) SUCH A FUN DAY!!!!
Trett, Bray & Jadd getting ready to open their Christmas Eve jammies
All the kids with their Christmas jammies onCute Addi in her "baby's first christams" jammies"opening presantsUncle TJ & AddisynTrett & Jadd with their new :sports Albums" I made for themThe Jazz shorts Jay got for the boysBRay's gift from Daddy....make up & a purse :)Addisyn & DaddyJay~Bray~myself~Addisyn at my MomsJason & AddiBray & her fave gift (Belle dress)Me & Addi opening her girft from Grandma WatsonBray & Glori making rice krispie trees (we ran out of green food coloring, so we used red & it went a little more pink, but the girls loved it! They said they made "sleeping beauty dresses) :)Braylee getting ready to go out on her new sledMe & Braylee out sleddingBraylee, Trett & Jadd out sleddingBeautiful Addi sitting up on her ownBraylee & Addisyn all ready for Grandma Crimin's Christmas PartyCute Addi all dressed up :)


Kateka said...

Oh for heavens sake, your kids are so cute. I can't believe you made those albums! They look FANTASTIC and totally professionally made. Nicely done. :)

The Armons said...

Oh I love those little cheeks on Addi! SO kIsSaBlE!!! and you guys look so cute out in the snow... looks like fun! We really need to get our girls together so they can have a friend to grow up with!! Plus, then I can see Addi and you can see Aaubre! We should try and do it before they are both a year old!! haha, we are such slackers ;)